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21 Cities


P-CAT - PERI-CENE Spatial Analysis Tool

The Peri-cene is developing the Peri-urban Analysis Tool (P-CAT) Spatial Analysis tool, as an online system which provides a local applications of a global spatial dataset.

P-CAT will establish common archetypes of representative of global peri-urbanisation, ranging from. These archetypes will be overlaid on the climatic – biome types and the associated risk layers. The P-CAT tool will draw on existing global and local datasets such as the JRC’s Global Human Settlement Layer (GHSL). The results will be ground-truthed in two case studies in Chennai, India and Greater Manchester, UK.

On the P-CAT you can:

Access and check the data, the engagement tools and the stories about peri-urbanisation.

Outputs [P] [C] [O] [E]

Project Partners

The project is a partnership between the University of Manchester, KTH Stockholm (Sweden) and IIT Madras (India).

Research Team

The research was coordinated by Mr Joe Ravetz (The University of Manchester);  Dr Nuno Pinto (University of Manchester) coordinated the creation of P-CAT.

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