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Better Decision Support for Better Urban Governance

BeDS for BUG is a research agenda composed of several international projects with the aim of understanding the role of and developing further decision-support methods for different stakeholders engaged in urban governance.​

The research explores different scales and contexts where a wide range of stakeholders - institutional, community - take the leading role in designing and implementing governance models by using effective processes to achieve their common objectives.​

The research will engage with multiple stakeholders from several urban areas, with different nature, scope and activities involved in urban governance at all scales of the urban environment.​ 

The BeDS4BUG research agenda aims at delivering on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 11 (targets 11.3, 11.a, 11.b and 11.c), 13 (13.2 and 13.b), 15 (15.6 and 15.9) and 16 (16.6, 16.7 and 16.8).

This is a research agenda led by Dr Nuno Pinto from the University of Manchester and brings together academics from the University of Manchester (UK), the University of Brasília and the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (Brazil) and El Colegio de Jalisco, Mexico. New partners are expected to join.

Click on the links in the map below and check what we are doing in each of the cities.



Contact the Team

Contact Dr Nuno Pinto for information on the project at

nuno.pinto at


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