Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
São Paulo
Marinha Grande
United Kingdom
Workshop 1
Brief for a new active travel strategy for Moss Side
An objective list of requirements for developing a strategy for Active Travel for Moss Side has been produced by the community representatives who participated in Workshop 1 (held on 18 July 2024) following a voting on the list of aspirations1 for improving active travel in the neighbourhood formulated by the participants in Workshop 1.
These have been analysed by the project research team and formulated in clear strategic terms to create suitable requirements for the development of a strategy for active travel in Moss Side.
Workshop Methodology and Main Results
During the workshop, each participant introduced up to three barriers and three assets for active travel in Moss Side. For the analysis, each barrier or asset shared by a participant was assigned an overarching theme by the researchers. For instance, all issues related to pavements, including cleanliness and potholes, were grouped under the theme "pavement conditions”. This analysis identified the frequency of each issue (the number of times an issue was repeated). These themes were then further grouped into three broader categories related to the next section: strategies for neighbourhood traffic, public spaces, and walking, cycling, and wheeling.

An objective list of requirements for developing a strategy for Active Travel for Moss Side has been produced by the community representatives who participated in Workshop 1 (held on 18 July 2024) following a voting on the list of aspirations1 for improving active travel in the neighbourhood formulated by the participants in Workshop 1.
These have been analysed by the project research team and formulated in clear strategic terms to create suitable requirements for the development of a strategy for active travel in Moss Side.

These requirements have informed the community about what strategies, policies or actions to be considered in the use of the decision support tool Geodesignhub in Workshop 2 (to be held in Moss Side on 21 September 2024).
These proposals can have different scopes, with focus on policy, planning or project scales of intervention, and can have different spatial scales, from the level of the street to part or the entire Moss Side neighbourhood and beyond.
The following list of requirements were identified by the community as key strategic dimensions for a new active travel strategy for Moss Side:
On improving shared public spaces in Moss Side
Design a network of reimagined public spaces across Moss Side that:
promote civic engagement for positive change:
promote the use of the street as public space rather than just a circulation infrastructure;
claims back traffic lanes from traffic and create new, cleaner and safer public spaces in main streets;
promote behavioural change on garbage management, improve garbage collection operations.
On walking, cycling and wheeling safely in Moss Side
Improve the active travel infrastructure across Moss Side by:
giving priority in the street to more exposed age groups (namely the children and the elderly);
creating more segregated cycle lanes;
redesigning walking pathways, with a focus on the main street/road crossings;
creating a network of secure public shelters for active travel modes (bikes and scooters) to complement private storage.
On promoting a safer neighbourhood traffic in Moss Side
A new neighbourhood structure for traffic that:
Favours pedestrians (with support of better green infrastructure) and not cars, similar to the superblocks in Barcelona,
Tackles abuse of car parking on pavements.
Favours one-way streets.
Outputs [P] [C] [O] [E]
No output was generated yet.
Project Partners
The project is a partnership with the Manchester City Council.
Research Team
The reserach is coordinated by Dr Nuno Pinto (University of Manchester) with the collaboration of Dr Erika Garcia-Fermin (University of Manchester and Mr Joe Ravetz (university of Manchester).