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Moss Side, Manchester
United Kingdom


Planificación participativa para DS comunitario

Este proyecto se centrará en el uso de herramientas de DS para la planificación comunitaria de base, utilizando GeoDesign Hub para ayudar a la comunidad del barrio de Moss Side en Manchester a abordar diferentes aspectos de su territorio.

Más información en breve.

Infographic Strategic Principles Moss Side

Find detailed information about the project aim and how the community will be involved.

Details about how the Workshop 1 was conducted and its outcomes.

The main outcome of Workshop 1 was the set of principles agreed by the community participants in the workshop for a new strategy for Active travel in Moss Side, with three main areas:

  • Improving shared public spaces in Moss Side

  • Walking, cycling and wheeling safely in Moss Side

  • Promoting a safer traffic system in Moss Side

The community will use these principles in Workshop 2 to submit proposals - concrete interventions, projects, and policies—targeting public spaces, active travel infrastructure, or traffic management within the neighbourhood. 

The community is invited to participate in Workshop 2 where they will design the new strategy for active travel in Moss Side.

The workshop will take place on 21 September 2024 at 9.00 am  at the William Hulme Grammar School.

You can provide your contributions for new interventions or policies using our geosurvey available at LINK.

We will only collect anonymous data about your contributions.

If you want to see how geodesignhub helps communities to design effective plans watch the short video about a similar community-led project in Cromane, Ireland, using geodesign.

This is the tool we will be using in Workshop 2 to create the community-led strategy for active travel in Moss Side.

The project is funded by the University of Manchester ​Office for Open ResearchAccelerator Fund​.

Outputs [P] [C] [O] [E]

Aún no se ha generado ningún output.


El proyecto es una colaboración con la Moss Side Partnership, en Manchester.


La investigación es liderada por Dr Nuno Pinto (University of Manchester) .

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Versión en español editada con el apoyo de traductores de IA

© 2024 by Nuno Pinto

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