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Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
Better Decision Support for
Better Urban Governance
BeDS for BUG
São Paulo
Marinha Grande
United Kingdom
Publications BeDS for BUG
Peer-reviewed papers [P]
Paper | Authors | Year | Title | Journal | DOI/URL |
[P10] | Aya Badawy, Richard Kingston, Nuno Pinto | 2024 | A Simulation Model of Negotiations on Affordable Housing Provision | Housing and Society | http://in press |
[P09] | Gamal, Y, Pinto, N & Iossifova | 2023 | The role of procedural utility in land market dynamics in Greater Cairo: an agent based model application | Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science | |
[P08] | Sousa, M, Antunes, A, Pinto, N & Zagalo | 2022 | Serious Games in Spatial Planning: Strengths, Limitations and Support Frameworks | International Journal of Serious Games, | |
[P07] | Odell, H, Pinto, N, Navarro Lopez, E & Deas, I | 2022 | Detecting shifts in metropolitan structure: a spatial network perspective | Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science | |
[P06] | Sousa, M, Antunes, A, Pinto, N & Zagalo N | 2021 | Fast serious analogue games in planning: the role of non-player participants | Simulation & Gaming | |
[P05] | Pinto, N, Antunes, AP & Roca, J | 2021 | A Cellular Automata Model for Integrated Simulation of Land Use and Transport Interactions | ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information | |
[P04] | Haughton, G, White, I & Pinto, N | 2020 | Planning the post-pandemic era | Town and Country Planning | |
[P03] | Silva, C, Bertolini, L & Pinto, N (eds) | 2019 | Designing Accessibility Instruments: Lessons on Their Usability for Integrated Land Use and Transport Planning Practices | Routledge | |
[P02] | Pinto, NN, Lancrenon, D & Berchtold, M | 2014 | The Use of ICT in Planning Practice: Contributions to an Effective Link between Real and Virtual Cities and Territories. in Technologies for Urban and Spatial Planning: Virtual Cities and Territories. | IGI Press | |
[P01] | Antunes, A, Seco, Á & Pinto, N | 2003 | An accessibility-maximization approach to road network planning | Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering | 10.1111/1467-8667.00312 |
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Conference proceedings [C]
Paper | Authors | Year | Title | Conference | DOI/URL |
[C05] | Pinto, Nuno and Batty, Michale | 2023 | Analog Twins: building stakeholders trust and engagement in the digital planning era | ECTQG The 23rd European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, University of Coimbra, Braga, Portugal | |
[C04] | Pinto, N et al | 2022 | Better decision support for better urban governance: the case of the coletivos in Brazil | UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference 2022 Planning in, and for, a Digital World 5th – 7th September 2022 | |
[C03] | Daroit, Doriana et al. | 2021 | Dinâmicas e incidências democráticas de coletivos urbanos: instrumentos e associações no território | IV National Conference of teaching and Reserach in Public Policy Encontro Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa do Campo de Públicas, 1-3 Setembro | |
[C02] | Gamal, Y & Pinto, N | 2019 | Reinterpreting Procedural Utility in Land Use Frameworks: A Quantitative Approach | ECTQG The 21st European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg | |
[C01] | Shakeri, M, Kingston, R & Pinto, N | 2016 | Game Science or Games and Science? Towards an Epistemological Understanding of Use of Games in Scientific Fields. | Serious Games: Second Joint International Conference, JCSG 2016, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, September 26-27 | |
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Blogs and opinion articles [O]
Public engagement BeDS for BUG
Events and talks [E]
Article | Authors | Year | Title | Newspaper/Blog |
[O05] | Coimbra Coolectiva | 2024 | Workshop de Geodesign: ponte ou túnel – sai vencedora a ligação da comunidade às decisões municipais | CoimbraCoolectiva |
[O04.2] | Pinto, Nuno | 2024 | "Não importa o tipo de transportes que temos. O importante é a integração entre eles" [Interview in Pt] | Radio Observador (Portugal) |
[O04.1] | Pinto, Nuno | 2024 | Expetativas realistas para o desenvolvimento do país na próxima década (Opinion article in Pt) | Observador (Pt) |
[O03] | Pinto, Nuno | 2022 | Podcast Assim Fala a Ciência | Público (Portugal) |
[O02] | Pinto, N and Daroit, D | 2020 | The pandemic is transforming the debates in public policy | Folha de São Paulo (Brazil) |
[O01] | Haughton, G, Pinto, N and White, I | 2020 | How modelling can become a debate-support tool, not juts a decision-support tool | Policy@Manchester (United Kingdom) |
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Talk | Authors | Year | Title | Event |
[E03] | Pinto, Nuno | 2023 | Better decision support for better urban governance: How decision-support knowledge and methods help different stakeholders, examples from Brazil, Mexico and Ecuador | Seminar for the centre for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Manchester |
[E02] | Pinto, Nuno | 2022 | From smarter cities to wiser humans | Pint of Science Festival 2022 |
[E01] | Pinto, Nuno | 2020 | Evidence and Transparency in Decision Support: how the use of scientific evidence during the pandemic may be helping to improve public opinion in the participation in public policy discussions? | Roda de Conversa Online “Fronteiras entre política e tecnologia: (des)encontros democráticos |
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